This is a required activity that allows you to converse in an informal setting with a native speaker from his/her native Spanish speaking country. The meeting will last 30 minutes.
Your facilitator will report to your instructor. Your instructor will assess your grade based on these categories:
–Punctuality (Did you join the conversation on time?)
–Participation (Have you actively participated in the conversation?)
–Preparation (Were you prepared in advance so that you could have a better experience?)*
–Respect (Were you considerate and cooperated with a positive attitude?)
Intermediate Spanish II - Session VI
For this meeting, please be prepared to talk about your life during the Covid-19 pandemic. Without needing to be too personal and without feeling the need to share painful or unpleasant experiences, please share all you can/want about life during these complicated months. Please share your hopes for the future. Do you believe we should go back to normal or we need to take this crisis as an opportunity to improve lives? Be prepared to answer some questions and perhaps ask other participants.